# AyuGram for Desktop

# Features

  • Ghost Mode
  • Messages history
  • Anti-recall
  • Ad-free by default
  • No copy & download restrictions by default
  • Local Telegram Premium
  • Up to 100 recent stickers
  • Show Peer ID in profile
  • Font customization
  • Application icon picker
  • Useful context menu items & its customization
  • Colorful replies & quotes removal
  • Similiar channels removal
  • Folder notification counters removal
  • "All chats" folder removal
  • Message details with sticker pack author link
  • GIF media controls
  • Service message time
  • Voice & round video messages seeking
  • Top center notifications
  • Buttons to read all dialogs
  • Upload speed boost
  • Inline button callback view & copy
  • Streamer mode
  • Message shot
  • Material Design switches with smooth animation
  • Fixed message tails for a group of text/sticker/rounded messages