# Message Saving

Compared to Telegraher or Ninjagram, we have the most "true" saving system.

While those keep messages in Telegram's built-in database, probably in cache, we use our own, powered by Android Room.

It has it's own advantages:

  • You can clear cache separately from deleted messages / history
  • Messages won't be affected by any Telegram update, event or action
  • These can be easily synchronized between devices

Also, our saving system automatically tries to download files before they expire on the server, giving more chances to save a media. It's all stored in Download/AyuGram/Saved Attachments by default, tho you can change it in the AyuGram Preferences. If you see it in a gallery - create file .nomedia in this folder manually.

Database location - /data/data/PACKAGE/databases/ayu-data*, where PACKAGE is com.radolyn.ayugram, org.telegram.messenger or org.telegram.messenger.web - all depending on what version you're using.

You can be sure that messages will be in an AyuGram database, but some of them won't be displayed for a reason how we load them in chats.

You could use a "View Deleted" option in three dots to see a separate chat with only deleted messages, with ability to search through them.

# Save Media

As the title says. Automatically tries to download media after deletion, or creates a copy in Saved Attachments if downloaded before.

# Save in Bot Dialogs

You want it to be disabled, since bots often edit/delete messages.