Message Saving
Compared to Telegraher or Ninjagram, we have the most "true" saving system.
While those keep messages in Telegram's built-in database, probably in cache, we use our own, powered by Android Room.
It has it's own advantages:
- You can clear cache separately from deleted messages / history
- Messages won't be affected by any Telegram update, event or action
- These can be easily synchronized between devices
Also, our saving system automatically tries to download files before they expire on the server, giving more chances to save a media. It's all stored in Download/AyuGram/Saved Attachments
by default, tho you can change it in the AyuGram Preferences. If you see it in a gallery - create file .nomedia
in this folder manually.
Database location - /data/data/PACKAGE/databases/ayu-data*
, where PACKAGE
is com.radolyn.ayugram
, org.telegram.messenger
or org.telegram.messenger.web
- all depending on what version you're using.
You can be sure that messages will be in an AyuGram database, but some of them won't be displayed for a reason how we load them in chats.
You could use a "View Deleted" option in three dots to see a separate chat with only deleted messages, with ability to search through them.
A bit of technical information
When you scroll the chat, Telegram loads messages from your cache in batches, 20-50 messages. AyuGram hooks into that process, and takes IDs of the last and the first messages, and loads deleted messages between them. There may be many of them - 10, 20, 100, 500, who knows.
And, as you understand, there's a little problem - deleted messages between batches are not loaded.
ID 1
ID 2
ID 20
some deleted message that won't be loaded, e. g. ID 21
ID 22
ID 23
It won't be changed in the near future, because it performs well in most cases.
Save Media
As the title says. Automatically tries to download media after deletion, or creates a copy in Saved Attachments
if downloaded before.
Save in Bot Dialogs
You want it to be disabled, since bots often edit/delete messages.